Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Every body says it... but really mean it!!!!

I know it’s been a long time since I blogged. (See I told you) I really have no excuse, other than laziness. It’s not like things haven’t been happening in my life, but every time I think about writing and that’s as far as I ever seem to get, I get the feeling that you all already know about the incident.

Like the great food at the Killian Hall breakfast brunch. I’m sure I have bored enough of you in person to then turn around and bore you on a blog.

Or, the loss of Kathleen Basile, which you all were a part of. That is one that I would have had a hard time writing about. Then Peg did such a great job on her blog that I don’t feel I could compare adequately.

Or my slip and fall on some ice when I got a cut over my left eye. That seemed like the shot heard around the world. I think everybody knew about it before I got my bloody head up off the sidewalk. As you all know, my wound has healed nicely and I am back to my old sassy self. It was really quite minor even though It bled rather profusely.

But now, I am in the middle of the big car radio fiasco. My car radio has been acting up for some time now and I decided to see about getting it fixed. I stopped at a local shop that claims to be a mobile audio repair shop and they said they said they only sell new equipment. They said the radio was a dealer only item (you know how I hate car dealers). They said if I had replacement they would install it for $45. Tom found a junk yard out his way that carried a large stock of radios. I went out there and picked up one for $100. I joked that I wondered if they installed them. The guy tells me that they don’t but they are a snap to swap out. He showed my the 4 holes in the front panel and said I should get “radio pins” at an auto parts store. On the way home I stopped and got a set of “radio pins” and you can’t believe how easy it is to get the old radio out. You insert these pins in the holes and move them outward and the radio slips right out. I got my old radio out, unplugged the 3 connectors and the antenna. The new (to me) radio, however had only 1 socket on the back. So, I returned the radio and tried several other junk yards, with the same results, no proper match. I got on the internet and found a site that is associate with junk yards all over the country and put in a request for my radio. I only got 1 response, so I ordered it. It cost a bit more, but the would ship it UPS. I have not, as yet received my radio, so I called to inquire. They claim there was “an event” with my address and gave me the tracking number. I went on line and found that it was shipped to Oregon, due to “an event” in the address. I sent them an E-Mail and just today got a response that it is scheduled for delivery on Thursday. We’ll see.

Last Friday Kelly and I visited a friend who runs a commercial sound recording studio and lab. Jeff was really nice in explaining sound and how he controls and captures it. He showed us a commercial for a local TV station he just finished. The trip was a real success.

Well that’s about all that I can recall you how bad my mind is) since my last blog, so I’ll just say I promise to blog more often and keep you up to date On the radio situation.



Peggie said...

I, for one, am on the edge of my seat to hear the next installment of "The Great Radio Event".....

Glad to hear from you again.

Keep on blogging!!!!

Love ya!!

JP2E said...

Glad to have you back. I will "stay tuned" for... "The rest of the story..."
Have you changed the format of your page? It looks different...

Bill T said...

Glad to hear from you. You have been missed.

Katie said...

Glad you're back in blog land!! Good luck with the radio situation. Keep us posted! Love ya!! :)

Sue said...

I can relate to your car radio problem. I had to have mine replaced on the last visit to Carmax. Fortunately it was under warranty. Unfortunately, one of my CDs was in it at the time and they haven't returned it yet.

I am so happy that you are blogging again. I missed you. We have all shared some of the same experiences, as you mentioned, but each of us see these same events from different perpectives some times so its good to hear more even if we were there.

CShore said...

Great update, thanks for sharing! Even if the radio costs a little more to have shipped, if it is less than $45 then I say you are coming out ahead!

I'm also glad to hear you guys had such a fun trip to the sound studio. That does sound like a cool place to visit. Take care and talk to you soon!