Monday, September 28, 2009

First to report

Well, I guess I'll be the first to report on the wonderful weekend in the mountains. Bill drove us up to Pigeon Forge without using interstate highways and it was a lovely ride. We came through Gatlinburg and made a few stops including lunch. When we got to Pigeon Forge, we had some time to kill and stopped at an Atlanta Bread Company for a snack and Wi-Fi. It turned out to be the meeting place and we met the rest of our family before going to the cabin.
Now that cabin was something else. It sat on the side of the mountain and provided really great views. The cabin was absolutely beautiful. It was a genuine log cabin done in classy rustic. More classy than rustic. With 8 bedrooms and a ton of sleeper sofas Washington could have housed the Revolutionary army and had room left over. The interior was beautiful knotty pine down to the tables. There was so much to do in the game room that I didn't even mind being house bound due to rain on Saturday. I did, however, mind getting beaten 3 straight time on the Air Hockey table and then 3 straight games of 8 Ball on the pool table by my daughter in law Deb. I gracefully declined a request to play 'Foosball'. (I'm so embarrassed)
The Williams family packed us all with great food all weekend long. I had to abandon my diet for the stay, but the food was wonderful.
Nan & I had a really great time, and it was good to spend some time with the Williams clan. We were happy that Kelly & Josh were there, we don't get to see enough of them. Bryan & Katie were there with Miss Maddy who just charmed everyone. April's brother had their baby there, Emma, who is just 6 months older than Maddy and was busy making friends with everybody.
The drive home was quiet and thankfully uneventful because the weather had cleared. I know I just hit some of the high sopts, but all in all it was a great weekend.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good read

First off, I'm very happy to be writing this blog and not having a surgeon snipping at my insides. Thank you all those great folks who remembered me in their prayers. I'm still doing a whole bunch of medical stuff to satisfy all the requirements of all the doctors that I have been working with.
The real reason for this blog is to let you in on a great read I just finished. It is a book Peg & Steve gave me called "soul Survivor". It is a true story about a little boy who had 'previous life recall. night mares. The story really gets going good when the Mom & Dad start to research the fragments of information the boy reveals. I saw the family on 'Good Morning America' and was fascinated by them. The Dad is a real stickler for proving it to be bunk and winds up paying honor and homage to some very brave WWII vets that prove the veracity of the child's nightmares. I highly recommend this book as a good read.