Tuesday, August 26, 2008

In VA!!!

Left Re's this morning and made it to Harrisonburg, VA. the weather so far on this trip has been fantastic. For August, it is even somewhat cool. The traffic was fairly light. My experiment with traveling 65 MPH or less is still on going. After I get off this computer, I'll check my MPG.
Looking forward to seeing Peg & Steve tomorrow. We are a little over 5 hours away, so we should be arriving early afternoon.
I hope Peg is able to get home. I saw on the news this afternoon, after we checked in, that there was a computer glitch with the FAA and it was affecting all flights all over the country.
Will be home sometime on Thursday.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I know for a fact that my mom made it home... safe and sound. Be careful driving tomorrow. I hear that hurricane Faye is just "hanging out" over the Carolinas!! Love you guys!! :)