Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just Because!

I feel obliged to blog today on several different levels.

First I have a fantastic week. We got a surprised and welcomed visit from Peg. Since she live out of state, we don't see as much of her as we would like. She arrived on Monday and we had our personal time with her. On Tuesday four of her brothers came by for a real good visit and some food.

Wednesday Peg & I visited Tom at the firehouse. That was an eye-opener. A local company has taken on the task of rehabilitating to living area of the firehouse. What a great job they are doing. They have install a new kitchen and day room with really great stuff, including a wide screen TV.

When we came back, Bill was here to visit with Peg. We had several other visitors on Wednesday. Their names will remain unspoken because of the circumstances.

Peg left on Thursday and life resumed. We hope she finds time in the future to visit again. We really enjoyed the time together.

The next reason I wanted to blog is that I have been working on this blog site. I have been unhappy with the look I was achieving. It just didn't look as neat as all you other guys. I'm not there yet but I am improving. Hope you like the new look.

I put this photo in here just to show, A) I can do it and B) To show how awesome the National Botanical Gardens can be.
Yesterday we attended another funeral of a close friend, Jack Early. Jack was a man with a multitude of physical problems who absolutely loved children and showed that love every time he saw a child.

Today we are attending the birthday party for another friend, Jim Kelly. He is 100 years old and is considered a parish treasure. I know that there will be a mob at the party.

I guess that's it for now. Let me know if you have any suggestions for my page.



Katie said...

I love the "moment of awe" that your photo of the sisters portrays!! I wish I lived closer to be able to stop by on occasion... Maybe one day we'll be closer! Love you guys!! :)

Peggie said...

I like this blog format better than the old one you had. Everything was way big on the other one. The only thing about this one is on the comments section.....the name of the "commenter" is in a color that is tough to read. Other than that it looks really good. I had a great visit too. I'm not usually a spontaneous person, but it felt pretty good this time!! Glad everyone took some time to come by and visit. I hope to exercise my spontaneity again in the near future!!! Love you all!!!

JP2E said...

It was great to have Peg here, lots of fun.
I kove the photo of the sisters. I told Victoria it was the KEEBLER elves checking out the hollow tree. She was LOL!!!!

Sue said...

You are doing great with your blog. JIm and Victoria are still helping me. I need some time to just play with it and learn on my own but I just don't seem to find it. Loved your photos. I will learn to do that someday.

Michael Taylor said...

I like the layout. Sometimes I feel like I have to wait for big things to happen in my life before I can blog them. But then I realize that the little things are important too. Keep up the good work.