Thursday, May 15, 2008

Last blog for a while.

Here it is Thursday night and we are getting ready to leave early in the morning for our vacation in the Shannondoah Valley. We will be in Richmond VA tommorrow night, the at Mike & Julie's on Saturday for Taylors graduation Party. Saturday night we will stay in Annapolis MD then on to the Shannondoah Valley for a week (Sunday to Sunday).
We will go back to Philly to drop off El & Betty. Then we will visit Pattyanne & Steve for a family get together.
We will spend an overnight with my sister RE then head home.
I am still trying to get used to this new blog system. Tom has shown me a neat way to read all of the blogs as they show up, but I can't comment unless I go to the individual blog site. Chris mentioned something about Google reader, but I can't find it, maybe you can refresh me on this feature.
I'm hopeing that Jim will stop over sometime after we get home and help me make a pretty page with all the neat stuff he has on his page. I would like to share some of the oictures from our vacation.
I will try to get on a computer sometime while we are on our trip, but don't count on it. I know I can use Katherine's when we get that far, but that is quite a distance from now.
I've blathered enough for now.


CShore said...

Hey, glad to hear that uncle Tom was able to help you out. I was planning to try and call you this weekend but it sounds like you'll be gone! Unfortunately the only way to comment is to go to the blog page (or at least that is the only way I know of). This site is definately not as streamlined as Yahoo, but at least it doesn't crash on us. Be careful and have a great trip! I'll talk to you when you get back.

JP2E said...

Have a great time on your trip! Enjoy the family and share our best regards with everyone.
I will drop by when you get back and we can swap some what we know about this new site.
See ya' when you get back...