Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter everyon.

I have really been enjoying all the blogs on this net. I know it has been some time since I blogged so, since tomorrow being Easter I thought I would take this media to wish all of you a very happy and blessed Easter.
And I thought I would share some memories of Easter in my youth. I know this tale will strike some of you as really odd, but trust me this is the way it was.
Of course when we awoke on Easter morning, my brother and I ( My sister was not born yet)would hunt down all the hidden dyed eggs in our house. Believe me it was always a spirited competition. We were never allowed to eat any of the eggs before church. We lived, at that time in a two story row house on Arizona Street.
After church we changed clothes and too some of our Easter Eggs out side and participated in an annual ritual. We would stand in the middle of the street an holler "Epper". This was the challenge call for a one on one battle of the eggs. If someone responded to the call we would square off. The person that answered the call would hold one of his dyed eggs tightly in his fist with just the end showing. The challenger would then take one of his eggs and crack it down on the held egg. One of the egg shells would crack, this was the looser. He had to forfeit his egg to the winner. There were all types of theories as the how to grasp the egg to ensure victory. Of course none of these meant a darn thing. It all had to do with the hardness of the shell. There were always guys that found ways of cheating so you had to check the other guys egg. One kid had a China egg and he suffered a severe trouncing when we caught him. There was always the wise guy that brought out a raw egg that would cover your hand and your egg with yoke when he came down on your egg and hand.
These thoughts came flooding back to me today as I thought of writing a blog for Easter. I hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane.


Peggie said...

What a fun story!! I'm sure we all have vivid childhood memories of our own annual egg hunts. I really miss the simpler times when something as simple as cracking (or nor cracking) an egg was a neighborhood event!!!!

Thanks for sharing!!

Love ya!

CShore said...

That story brought a big smile to my face. Thanks for sharing it!

Bill T said...


Sue said...

That is a great story. I have been hoping you would share more stories of your youth. The great stories of life are the best stories.

I remember dyeing Easter Eggs with my Mother and those are such sweet memories. I dyed eggs with Victoria but haven't with the grandchildren - I need to do that.

JP2E said...

This sounds like a lot more fun than hiding plastic eggs! If we yelled "EPPER" today we migh end up covered in panty hose! LOL
Great story...