Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Seems I'm always catching up.

Last Monday was very uneventful and seemed normal (so to speak) Tuesday, after my walk I decided ti clean up the yard from leaves and limbs that a local storm deposited. In hind site, this was not a good decision. It was very hot and the job was bigger than I had anticipated. By the time I finished I was really exhausted and hurt all over.
I seemed to bounce back on Wednesday when I joined Dennis, Kelly, Jimmy, Michelle, Hannah & Heather for a trip to the Planitarim and the Fernbank Science Center. It was a good time and I have missed seeing these 2 places for many years.
Just as an aside, many years ago I had taken Mike, Tom & Dennis there of an evening when my sister called. When Nancy told her I took the boys to Fernback, She thought Nancy said "Sperm bank" and almost choked. Nancy was still laghing when we got home.
Thursday evening I was feeling poorly and went to bed early. I wound up with a sore throat that only got worse on Friday. So, first thing Saturday morning I went to the doctor and got some dedication. I have been taking it easy since then and getting better each day. The Doctor said I had used all my energy cleaning up the yard and couldn't fight off the cold bug.
Right now I am getting all my ducks in row for our trip to 'Dead Fred's' party on August 23rd. Sorry I won't get to visit with Peg on the trip up, but should see her on the return trip. We will leave here on Thursday the 21st and stopover in Roanoke that night. Visit Katherine on the 22nd. We will be at the party site the23rd then back to Katherine's on Sunday the 24th. Visit mt Sister on Monday the25, then start back on Tuesday the 26th with a stop in Harrisonburg that night and hopefully get to Peg's house on Wednesday the 27th. (If peg beats us home from Texas.)
I will be catching up again soon.


Bill T said...

If you two keep up all the travel you may be able to join the globe troters

Sue said...

I am still laughing about the "sperm bank." That's so funny.

Peggie said...

Hope you're feeling better. I can't wait to see you both and hear all the stories from your visit with your "Dead Fred" friends. And, of course all the family tales as well!! Talk to you soon. Love ya!!